Our media center provides the following types of media:
Other media like program documentations and product information are provided in the download area.
Most of the media are in German language.
Videos & tutorials
Automatic Control Compact Models
Raspberry Pi & Arduino projects
Almost all videos are also provided at our YouTube channel!
WinFACT 10 - Highlights of the new version | The video presents the highlights of WinFACT 10 (English) |
BORIS - Working with Superblocks | The video presents the possible applications and the use of superblocks in BORIS simulation structures (English) |
Programmierung von User-DLL-Blöcken für BORIS | The video demonstrates the programming of user defined system blocks ("user-DLL- blocks") for BORIS with a simple example (German) |
Datenaustausch zwischen OPC-Clients über den OPC Data Exchange Server | The video demonstrates the data exchange between OPC clients via the OPC Data Exchange Server (German) |
Ermittlung statischer Kennlinien mit BORIS | The video demonstrates the evaluation of static characteristic curves of closed loop controlled systems with BORIS (German) |
Generierung von ANSI-C-Code aus BORIS | The video demonstrates the generation of ANSI-C-code in the blockoriented simulation BORIS (German) |
Datenaustausch zwischen BORIS und Arduino über Modbus | The video demonstrates the data exchange between BORIS and Arduino via Modbus (German) |
Frequency response evaluation with BORIS | The video demonstrates the evaluation of the frequency response with BORIS (English) |
BORIS-Modbus-Treiber für SIEMENS S7 | The video demonstrates the usage of the driver in conjunction with a S7-1200 (German) |
BORIS-Modbus-Treiber für CODESYS | The video demonstrates the usage of the driver in conjunction with the PLC-programming environment CODESYS (German) |
BORIS - Datenaustausch mit Simulink | The video demonstrates the data exchange between BORIS and Simulink via UDP (German) |
BORIS Batch mode | The video demonstrates the usage of the batch processing of BORIS with two simple examples (English) |
BORIS in 15 Minuten | Quick guide for our blockoriented simulation system BORIS (German) |
BORIS in 20 minutes | Quick guide for our blockoriented simulation system BORIS (English) |
BORIS - Nutzung von I/O-Modulen | The video demonstrates the usage of I/O-modules under BORIS (here the Velleman K8055-USB-board is used) (German) |
WinFACT 2016 in 30 Minuten | In this video the main improvements of WinFACT 2016 - especially of BORIS - are introduced (German) |
WinFACT 2016 in 40 minutes | In this video the main improvements of WinFACT 2016 - especially of BORIS - are introduced (English) |
WinFACT 2016 - The new Add-Ons in detail | In this video the PID design center, the system identification center and the VBScript-module as new add-ons of BORIS in WinFACT 2016 are introduced (English) |
CAN-Bus-Treiber für BORIS am PEAK-System MicroMod-Modul | The video demonstrates the usage of the CAN-Bus-driver for BORIS in conjunction with the PCAN-MicroMod evaluation kit of PEAK-System (German) |
DS1820-Treiber für BORIS | Temperature measurement with BORIS and the 1-Wire-temperature sensor Dallas DS1820 (German) |
TinkerForge Toolbox 2.0 für BORIS | The video demonstrates how TinkerForge sensor-/actuator modules can be integrated into BORIS so that even complex sensor-/actuator experimental systems can be built (German) |
Flexible Animation Builder - Tutorial 1: First Steps | First steps: This tutorial impart basic knowledge about our Flexible Animation Builder for the blockoriented simulation system BORIS (English) |
Flexible Animation Builder - Tutorial 2: Dynamic Element Properties | Dynamic element properties: This tutorial demonstrates the realization of movements, changes in size, colour gradients and more by the dynamization of element properties (English) |
Flexible Animation Builder - Tutorial 3: Advanced Techniques | Advanced techniques: This tutorial demonstrates various advanced techniques with simple examples (English) |
Flexible Animation Builder - Tutorial 4: The Elements Library | The elements library: This tutorial gives an overview of the graphic and control elements library of the FAB and explains the most important components (English) |
Flexible Animation Builder - Tutorial 5: Window Management | Window management: This tutorial shows different options for the handling of multiple FAB windows (English) |
Flexible Animation Builder - Tutorial 6: Nutzung externer Ein- und Ausgänge | Using external in- and outputs: This tutorial demonstrates the creation of visualization and user interfaces with more than 50 in- and outputs (German) |
Flexible Animation Builder - Tutorial 7: Erzeugung animierter Grafiken (Animated GIFs) | Creation of animated graphics: The tutorial demonstrates how FAB visualizations can easily be converted into animated graphics (e. g. for a website) (German) |
Flexible Animation Builder - Tutorial 8: Mehrsprachige Bedien- und Visualisierungsfenster | Multilingual user and visualization windows: The tutorial demonstrates the handling with file based texts and the use with the example of multilingual applications (German) |
Automatic Control Compact Models
Automatic Control Playground | In this video the main features of the newest version 3.0 of the compact model "Automatic Control Playground" are introduced. Details ... |
Regelungstechnik-Spielwiese | Learning by Doing: Our new automatic control playground introduces the basics of automatic control in a practically orientated way. The video demonstrates some of the manifold options. Details ... |
Regelerentwurf nach Ziegler/Nichols mit der Regelungstechnik-Spielwiese | This video demonstrates how you can easily design a PID controller with the Ziegler/Nichols method "stability margin" (German) |
Raspberry Pi & Arduino projects
Projekt "Relaissteuerung" mit dem Arduino Mega | This little project of our trainees demonstrates the use of the popular Arduino board (here an Arduino MEGA) in conjunction with the Ethernet shield as an 8-channel-web-relais with channel specific timer function (German) |
Projekt "Zugangskontrollsystem" mit Raspberry Pi und PiXtend Board | This project of our trainees shows the realization of a PIN-based access control system on the basis of the single board computer Raspberry Pi in conjunction with the PiXtend-extension (German) |
The corresponding project files are provided in our download area!
Powerpoint presentations / slides | WinFACT-Powerpoint presentation (German) | | WinFACT-Soft-PLC presentation (German) | | FAB-Powerpoint presentation (German) | | WinFACT-Powerpoint presentation (English) | | FAB-Powerpoint presentation (English) | | WinFACT-Soft-PLC presentation (English) |
winfact.pdf | Presentation "Simulation and control of technical systems with the program system WinFACT" (slides in PDF format) (German) |
Reports & publications
motionTrainer_komplett.pdf | Der Motion Trainer - eine innovative Lernumgebung für die Regelungstechnik (Hochschule Bochum) |
Simulationssystem_BORIS.pdf | Applikationsbericht "ASiConnect in einem Simulationssystem" |
wago_schnellstart.pdf | Schnellstartanleitung zum WAGO-I/O-System 750 (Fa. WAGO) |
WAGOInbetriebnahme.pdf | Inbetriebnahme des WAGO-I/O-Systems 750 (BFW Dortmund) |
WAGOTempReg.pdf | Dampftemperaturregelung mit dem WAGO-I/O-System 750 (BFW Dortmund) |
WAGODruckReg.pdf | Druckregelung mit dem WAGO-I/O-System 750 (BFW Dortmund) |
WAGOStandReg.pdf | Füllstandsregelung mit dem WAGO-I/O-System 750 (BFW Dortmund) |
ba1_fhSalzburg.pdf | Vergleich von WinFACT und MATLAB/Simulink anhand der Portierung von Beispielen (Bachelorarbeit, Fachhochschule Salzburg) |
pid_einstellregeln.pdf | Vergleich unterschiedlicher Einstellregeln für PID-Regler |
![]() | Kopplung zwischen einer SPS und dem blockorientierten Simulationssystem BORIS über OPC (OLE for Process Control) |
exPracLabTraining.pdf | An Example Of Practical Laboratory Training In Control Theory Courses For Diploma Students In Mechatronics |
AVRButterflyApplikation.pdf | Realisierung eines Zweipunkt- bzw. PI-Temperaturreglers auf Basis des AVR Butterfly Controllers |
bewegungssimulator.pdf | Mechatronischer Entwurf eines Bewegungssimulators mit pneumatischen Zugaktoren in Hexapod-Struktur |
motion_seat.pdf | A Motion Seat using pneumatic memebran actuators in a hexapod system structure |
threewheeler.pdf | A research threewheeler vehicle with processor controlled tilting and steering mechanism |
GMA2003.pdf | Neue universelle Prozessschnittstellen für das regelungstechnische CAE-Programmsystem WinFACT |
ASIM94.ZIP (203k) | Entwurf, Analyse und Simulation von Fuzzy-Regelungssystemen mit dem Programmsystem WinFACT |
BRAUNLAG.ZIP (245k) | Simulation dynamischer Systeme mit dem blockorientierten Simulationssystem BORIS |
FULDA.ZIP (68k) | Aller Anfang ist leicht - Simulation und Optimierung mit grafischer Hilfe |
KASSEL93.ZIP (412k) | WinFACT - Neue regelungstechnische CAE-Tools |
KASSEL97.ZIP (318k) | Realisierung benutzerdefinierter Funktions- und Visualisierungsblöcke für ein blockorientiertes Simulationssystem mittels User-DLLs |
ILMENAU.ZIP (599k) | Globale Vektorielle Optimierung mit Evolutionsstrategien |
LEEUWARD.ZIP (7k) | Some Remarks on Optimization by Evolutionary Strategies especially with Regard to Fuzzy Systems |
EUFIT93.ZIP (149k) | Robust Fuzzy Control of a Model Train |
EUFIT94.ZIP (6k) | Global Vector Optimization by Genetic Algorithms |
OBJEKT.ZIP (164k) | Objekterkennung mit Einfachsensorik |