Some of the most important news of WinFACT 2016 compared to WinFACT 8 (also as video):
Nomenclature equivalent to DIN IEC 60050-351
All denotations of control engineering parameters and symbols now are equivalent to the current norm DIN IEC 60050-351. In some cases (e. g. PID-controller) additionally the old denotations are specified.
Some add-ons liable to pay costs so far now are integrated in BORIS:
PID Design Center for the design of PID-controllers based on a set of different design methods
System Identification Center for the identification of linear plants using miscellaneous techniques
VB Script Modul for programming own system blocks based on the VB Script programming language which is part of Windows
Packer for SIM-Files
If SIM-files resulting from simulations with a small step size are saved, these typically contain a very large number of pairs of values. Using these files for creating corresponding WMF-files with the graphic module INGO results in large files. This packer tool simply reduces the file size by an assignable factor copying only each n-th pair of values from the original file to the target file.
As usual users of older versions can purchase favorably priced updates of the new versions.
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